Nutrition for Optimum
Fitness & Health
Prof Maj S Bakhtiar Choudhary (Retd)
Hyderabad Spine Clinics
Diet plays a major role in human
performance. Sports medicine teams help sport persons to perform better, by
providing optimum nutrition, physical training and stress management. Today, reducing
body weight and maintaining good shape for appearance, irrespective of health,
is a great concern, hence people resort to yoyo dieting and frequent
manipulation of various nutrients. People should understand the important
aspects of nutritional advices. Key for best health is optimum nutrition for
life. One must understand various aspects of nutritional modifications with
respect to age, disease and occupation step by step. We must focus on
a. Correct
calories (not eating excess food)
b. Timely
food (to prevent obesity)
c. Attention
on micronutrients
d. Not
falling prey to un-scientific advices
Before we do that, please read the following material
to understand the fundamentals of nutrition.
Understanding Energy Sources
Human body gets energy from three principle
nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. We have a wonderful
chemistry in our body; vital chemical reactions make sure that all the
principal nutrients are finally converted into ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate), a
high energy chemical molecule which readily delivers the energy to all tissues
and organs of the body on a continuous basis. Excess energy is saved in the
form of body fat (adipose tissue). We also get energy from non-nutrient energy sources
such as alcohol. Ethnic food habits and traditional plate of meals were
actually designed to provide adequate nutrition. But today people have
manipulated their diets too much, because of wrong information and influences.
a. Carbohydrates
Chief source of energy for physical activity (50-70% of calories of the day)
and the brain functioning (100%). One gram of CHO provides 4 Kcal of energy. This
serves as a chief fuel for intense exercise like 100m sprint and long distance
running like marathon. Good sources of CHO are breakfast cereals, whole grains,
fruits, tubers (potatoes, sweet potatoes) and natural sugars (derived from
b. Fats
Good source of energy for physical activities and vital activities. Fat
provides energy for low intensity exercises and activities such as marathon. One
gram of FAT provides 9 Kcal of energy. Good sources of fat are cooking oils, ghee,
butter, fish, meats, nuts and oilseeds. Excess oil in the diet increases the
risk of obesity and many diseases.
c. Proteins
Poor source of energy for activity and the main function is tissue repair and
maintenance. One gram of PTN provides 4 Kcal of energy. Good sources of proteins are eggs, meat, poultry,
fish, pulses, legumes and nuts & oilseeds.
Alcohol: Good
source of energy but no use for body functioning.
One gram of alcohol provides
7 Kcal of energy. Alcohol provides no vitamins, no dietary fiber and no
minerals. Empty calories are stored as fat in the body.
Non-Energy / Vital Nutrients
Fruits, vegetables, seasoning and other
familiar foods along with cereals provide very important micronutrients in very
small quantities such as vitamins, trace minerals and dietary fiber.
Water is an important medium for
all life processes. But today some people tend to drink more than their body
needs; this leads to low sodium status and can result in serious diseases like
Hyponatremic-cardiomyopathy, Hyponatremic-encephalopathy and loss of muscular
coordination and death. Lot of ‘Babas’ and Godmen give these wrong advices which
may result in serious medical problems. But during our childhood, we drank water
without any hesitation, as per our thirst, and fulfilled the need of the
happens in the body?
1. Body
needs constant blood sugar (glucose) to maintain brain function and this is
managed by the liver.
2. Human
being cannot survive without carbohydrate in the diet. Body needs minimum of 80
grams of carbs (CHO) per day just to survive, more activities call for more
energy from carbs as primary source.
3. Fuel
for muscular exercise is primarily carbs. Hard labour and people who are on jobs
requiring extreme physical exertion, need more carbs than sedentary employees.
4. Fat
in the body provides energy for low intensity physical activities; ex.
sleeping, sitting and such work.
Proteins (from veg. and
nonveg. sources) provide energy only up to 15-20% of daily needs. Muscle protein
can break down drastically in the absence of carb-stores in the body.
Change of food habits
from native to modern diets puts body in tremendous stress thus body metabolism
gets disturbed. Body has to make many changes to adapt to new, unknown diets
and that’s the cause for developing intestinal disorders such as acidity, gas,
constipation, IBS, ulcerative colitis and cancer.
If the diets are deficient in vitamins and minerals
for a long time, the receptor sites of these micronutrients get damaged and
it’s impossible to provide them vital nutrients through nutrition alone,
without supplementation.
During starvation (when carbohydrates are
very low or absent from diet), body breaks the muscle protein and converts into
carbohydrate and then utilizes for energy for work. This mechanism of producing energy is known
as gluconeogenesis. Ketone diets have a similar effect on human body resulting
in rapid weight loss due to serious muscle loss, which is extremely dangerous
for the body.
3.1 Problems with Common
World is burdened with diabetics, obesity,
and many serious stress-related illnesses. Reducing bodyweight has been a key
factor in managing these serious diseases. People believe that dieting is an
easy way out for weight reduction. People find the ‘scientific ways of reducing
or managing bodyweight’ a difficult task, hence they resort to short cuts which
truly don’t exist. Exercise has its own limitations such as compliance, type of
exercise, frequency, intensity and scientific experts to provide adequate
exercise prescription. That’s why so
many diets have come into practice such as carrot diet, water diet, fruit diet,
vegan diet, GM diet, Atkin’s diet and ketone diet.
3.2 You are Vulnerable
to Exploitation
The medical sciences did not focus on
nutrition in past three decades and dieticians & nutritionists did not
study medicine to understand patho-physiology. Then who will give the right advice? Military doctors, Sports medicine doctors and Physiologists
like Sir Roger
Gilbert Bannister, Captain Albert Richard Behnke, Prof D William, Prof McArdle, Frank I. KatchVictor L. Katch Costil, Dr Lohmann and Prof Mader have
contributed a lot in understanding exercise and nutrition. Today there is so
much confusion because of lack of correct understanding.
Best Diet
for Life
(Understanding the Needs of - Carbs, Fats and
Protein Requirements)
We have hundreds of Whats App messages and FB
posts on nutrition and they have added more confusion to health awareness.
a. People
who are active, definitely need 60-70% of carbs in their diet. Complex carbs
such as whole grain cereals, tubers, fleshy fruits are important (80% of total
daily carb in-take).
b. Simple
sugars like table sugar, jaggery, juice, man-made sweets and artificial sugars are
likely to raise blood sugars and finally get converted into body fat
(triglycerides) hence they should be reduced to minimum. People should
calculate carbohydrate intakes as per their body weight and as per their level
of physical activity. Excess consumption of carbs beyond body’s requirement is
likely to increase obesity.
c. For
most people doing moderate activity, around 70-80g of uncooked cereals (Rice or
wheat) are required thrice a day. People with 80-100kg of body weight may need up
to 100g of uncooked cereal thrice a day. Diseases like diabetes and kidney
disease need more modifications to diet.
4.2 Fats and Oils
a. Fats
and oils (visible fats) in diet provide calories, essential fatty acids and fat
soluble vitamins. Saturated fatty acids (SFA), mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA)
and omega-3 fatty acids (N3FA) in appropriate levels are important in
maintaining good health and immunity, for everyone.
b. We
have no single cooking oil cultivated in India or abroad which can provide for
all the human requirements. If you understand the right sources of fatty acids
and composition of Indian oils, it is easy to choose the right combination for
healthy life. Fats are not thrown out of the body either in urine or stool, but
they are stored as fat.
3. Groundnut oil + Eating fatty fish
(2-3 times a week)
Note: Groundnut oil is equivalent and superior to expensive olive oil currently marketed in India
Groundnut oil is rich
in MUFA, Groundnut
oil has no omega 3 fatty acids hence a combination is advised. For both healthy
and diseased, the above advice is suitable.
Invisible fats.
Nuts and oil seeds also provide good
amount of fat; for example, 5 almonds or walnuts can give one teaspoon of oil.
One should balance visible oils and invisible oils in their diets carefully.
4.3 Protein requirement
4.3 Protein requirement
We need 0.8 to 1.2g of protein per/kg/day. Many people tend to either consume less protein or more protein in their diets. People with non-veg diet can safely have one whole egg every day. Meats and fish are safer than poultry chicken. One can have meat or fish or a country chicken 1-3 three times a week in moderate quantities.
For vegetarian diet,
approx. 500 ml of milk (in any form) is a must. Teaspoon of butter, cheese,
60-100g of of pulses (Dals) are important. Legumes like lobia, chana, rajma and
soybeans benefit the body.
Dietary Fiber
This is very important part of regular
nutrition as fiber helps to reduce cholesterol, constipation and prevent bowel
cancers. Good quantity of vegetables, both leafy and other vegetables, fruits,
and whole grains and breakfast cereals provide good amounts of dietary fiber.
On an average, a person needs half kg of vegetables per day and 2 servings of
fruits every day to get adequate dietary fiber.
Most of the Indian traditional diets provide good amounts of fibre. We
need around 40-60 grams of dietary fibre in a day for optimum health. Excess
fibre can cause gallbladder stones, hard stools and constipation.
6 Water
Nowadays, people drink water by counting
glasses or liters. Everyone gives advice on water consumption from 1 liter to 8
liters of water per day without understanding the actual needs. Human body has
effective thirst mechanism to provide stimulus to drink correct amount of
7 Focus on Weight

8.1 Food Discipline
Time of food is extremely important. People who delay their meals are at greater risk (80%) of becoming obese. All obese people in the world are the ones who don’t eat food on time especially breakfast. Based on their occupation, activity, appetite and disease, they need personalized advice.
8.2 Native Habits and Staple Food
Whenever you make a choice of your dietary plan, please stick to your native staple habits. South Indians belonging to Dravidian race essentially should consume rice based products. North Indians who derived basic Aryan food habits should consume cereals other than rice.
can have unfamiliar food once in a while or occasionally. People who are
allergic to lactose in the milk should avoid all forms of direct milk. Some may
tolerate milk products. Today all South Indians are eating wheat-based food
without realizing the dangerous effects of gluten in wheat. Similarly, North
Indians are eating rice-based food for the sake of taste. It’s like putting
petrol in a diesel engine; just imagine. This is the reason for increasing
cases of acid peptic disease, IBS, ulcerative colitis, common dyspepsia and
intestinal cancer.
8.3 Being Underweight
Being underweight can be genetic or
acquired. Some are high calorie burners with very lean body and fail to gain
weight corresponding to their age and height. Gaining muscle and weight is difficult
for these people. Dietary management should focus on high calorie intake (30
Kcal/Kg/day). Adequate proteins, fatty
acids and good amount of milk products are the key to gain weight and exercise
has a major role in gaining weight.

b. Only dieting without exercise can seriously damage skeletal muscles
c. Aged people who lose their muscle mass will find it difficult to gain it back and this will reduce bone mineral density
d. People should understand that body fat reduction can happen only in response to correct aerobic exercise (and not on ketone diet) on a sustained basis
e. Micronutrients such as vitamin D, B12, folic acid, calcium and iron play an important role in managing metabolism and hence the body fat and weight
f. Focusing on increasing waistline is important, not on decreasing kilos on machine
g. Diabetic population feel very happy to reduce blood sugar on ketone diet, but they are forgetting that they are losing precious muscle and putting severe load on their kidneys. This irreversible damage can occur in a short duration of less than 3 months
h. Final word: Don’t believe somebody who is not qualified, not experienced and don’t look for shortcuts.
Human physiology is made for mixed food
habit (Veg plus Non-veg)
Correct diet helps in not increasing body fat and weight (But not for reduction)
Any mistake in regular diet will break the muscles first (Not at all good for body)
Timely breakfast is the first thing you should begin
Correct diet helps in not increasing body fat and weight (But not for reduction)
Any mistake in regular diet will break the muscles first (Not at all good for body)
Timely breakfast is the first thing you should begin
(People who take late breakfast after 8 AM tend
to become obese)
Restrict the cooking oil quantity
as per body weight (contact for advice)
Do not have raw vegetables or sprouts (may contain fungus, algae and bacteria)
Non-veg food is better at home but not from hotels/dhabas
Do not drink coconut oil (can increase triglycerides
Do not have raw vegetables or sprouts (may contain fungus, algae and bacteria)
Non-veg food is better at home but not from hotels/dhabas
Do not drink coconut oil (can increase triglycerides
Fasting on the days you don’t
feel hungry is better
Have early dinner and leave 90 min gap between dinner and sleeping time
Before you take any diet advice you must check your blood levels of Vit D,B12, Hb% and thyroid profile
Have early dinner and leave 90 min gap between dinner and sleeping time
Before you take any diet advice you must check your blood levels of Vit D,B12, Hb% and thyroid profile
Food has no relation with Blood Cholesterol (High cholesterol is a genetic disease)
If you eat more carbs than your needs, your triglycerides will increase
If you cook and eat cabbage and cauliflower, they do not disturb your thyroid function
Alcohol does not save anybody from Heart
disease but surely can cause obesity, cancer, liver
disease, muscle loss and psycho-social problems
Lemon and honey cannot decrease or increase your body weight; most of honey
what we get is duplicate and spurious
Anti-Cancer diet
Cancer is on the rise all over the world and more so
in India. There are some Phyto-chemicals in vegetables and fruits that can
prevent and fight against cancer and its complications.
1. Turmeric: Turmeric is number one in the
list. The Curcumin content in turmeric is proven as potent anti-cancer nutrient.

2. Grapes: Resveratrol is a chemical available in deep red colour grape skin. Resveratrol is the chemical agent which has potent anti-cancer activity. Red wine is supposed to have Resveratrol, that’s why some people consider red wine good for health. Resveratrol is known as Phyto-chemical antioxidant. It protects from cancer and anti-aging. It protects from infections. It boosts the immunity. This is available in red wine but the quantity of Resveratrol available in wine is less, so we need to drink in large quantities...
3. Crucifer vegetables like cabbages and cauliflower and other vegetables like coriander, mustard leaves are rich in anti-cancer Phyto-chemicals.
4. Banana stem has anti-cancer effects.
5. Pomegranate has proven anti-cancer chemicals.

Sample Diet
Plan for an Average 70 kg Man / Woman
Time of Food: <8 AM Break fast
<1 PM Lunch
<8 PM Dinner /
Cereal: Your choice depending upon where
you belong.
For a South Indian
Have around 70 grams of uncooked rice and
rice products (cook rice in different forms). One day you measure it and standardize
it. This is a quantity for each meal for a moderately active man.
Non-Veg Habit
Have one whole egg
in any form
Have goat meat/
lamb meat or fish or country chicken once /twice a week (Not factory chicken –
poultry habit)
Have all
vegetables but definitely cooked, not raw.
Have 350-400 ml of
milk or milk converted into products (check if you are allergic to milk)
All seasonal fruits
are good but not juice.
Vegetarian Habit
500 ml of Milk or milk converted into products (check if you are allergic to
of beans and legumes
pea nuts/ground nuts boiled or fried 100 grams a day
flax seeds one teaspoon full
lentils such as Lobia (bobbarlu) thrice a week
For a North Indian
Have around 70 grams of wheat / jawar / ragi
/ bajra millet/ corn flour, but not rice. One day you measure the flour (atta/rava/suji)
and standardize it. This is a quantity for each meal for a moderately active
Non-Veg Habit
one whole egg in any form
goat meat/ lamb meat or fish or country chicken once /twice a week (Not factory
chicken – poultry habit)
all vegetables but definitely cooked, not raw
350-400 ml of milk or milk converted into products (check if you are allergic
to milk)
seasonal fruits are good but not juice.
Vegetarian Habit
500 ml of milk or milk converted into products (check if you are allergic to
of beans and legumes
pea nuts/ground nuts boiled or fried 100 grams a day
flax seeds one teaspoon full
lentils such as rajma / chana / lobia thrice a week
Steps to Maintain Correct
Body Fat and Weight
1. Get your body composition assessed by an experts
2. Get your body fat percent, LBM, BMI, WHR, BMR, Obesity grading, goal setting for fat reduction estimated
3. Never lose more than 2-3 kilos of body weight in a month (this may be a muscle loss but not fat loss)
1. Get your body composition assessed by an experts
2. Get your body fat percent, LBM, BMI, WHR, BMR, Obesity grading, goal setting for fat reduction estimated
3. Never lose more than 2-3 kilos of body weight in a month (this may be a muscle loss but not fat loss)
4. Losing waist line inches are more important than losing kilos
5. Monitor your progress in a calendar
6. Fat loss is a long process hence don’t be in a hurry to lose weight
7. Sustainable weight loss without losing important tissues like skeletal muscles should be your objective
8. Sports persons, pregnant women, people having serious diseases, aged population, children and people having different occupations need modification to their diet under the supervision of a Sports medicine doctor or specialists from their respective fields.
This is a compiled information based on scientific facts. This is a useful
guideline to common population. This is not a compulsory advice and author
bears no responsibility. If you wish, you are most welcome to contact me for
personalized advice.
Prof Maj S Bakhtiar Choudhary (Retd)
Hyderabad Spine Clinics
Tel: 9849136940
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